Texas Six Shooter Grill

By Chris Johns •  Updated: 09/12/24 •  1 min read

Texas Six Shooter BBQ

Joe Wood of Weimar, Texas, built this 6 foot-11 custom barbecue pit in his home metal shop.

The barrel is 10 feet long and 8 inches in diameter and the entire rig is over 15 feet long. The pistol’s grips, which cover the firebox, are made of red oak. When cooking, the barrel acts as the grill’s chimney.

It took over two years and 1,100 hours to complete and used more than two tons of red oak, stainless, and carbon steel.

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Chris Johns

Chris Johns is the founder of Rock's Barbecue® and has been an avid barbecue fan for over 20 years. His mission is to make grilling and smoking the best food possible easy for everyone. And each year, he continues to help more people with grilling, smoking, and barbecue recipe recommendations.

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